
Primary Academics

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Primary Academics

“Helping Children get off to a Good Start” 

Every child has in them something divine, something their own, a chance of perfection and strength in however small a sphere. The task is to find it, develop it and use it. We believe that education is all about being excited about something, seeing passion, enthusiasm and happiness in the minds of the students.   

Philosophy of Education

The Primary Section adheres to a foundational approach that directs curriculum creation, instructional strategies, and the overall learning environment. This includes –

Child-Centered Education: stressing the need of modifying instruction to meet children’s needs and interests.

Holistic Development: concentrating on the child’s overall development, including their social, emotional, mental, and physical growth.

Inquiry-Based Learning: To develop a passion of learning in kids, encourage them to ask questions and do in-depth research on subjects.

Play and Experience: acknowledging play as an essential component of education that enables kids to explore and comprehend their surroundings.

Through these philosophies, relevant and engaging learning experiences are created that motivate the students to give their best and reach to their maximum abilities.

Profile of Learners

The age profile of primary school students typically ranges from 6 to 10 years old. Learners in primary school are at a crucial stage of development where they are acquiring foundational skills that will support their future learning and life experiences.  They are transitioning from play-based learning to more structured learning environments. They require a curriculum that is broad, balanced, and tailored to their individual learning needs. This includes literacy, numeracy, science, arts, and physical education.

The group is diverse, with students coming from different cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic backgrounds. Inclusive education practices are essential to cater to this diversity. Engaging this target group of learners involves a mix of play, exploration, and structured activities to foster a love for learning and encourage curiosity at this stage.

Teaching Strategies

Teaching strategies are part of a broader competency-based education approach that focuses on developing core competencies in students, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and the ability to apply knowledge in real-world situations.

At Primary Section, a mix of teaching strategies like Experiential Learning, Play-Based Learning, Project-Based Learning, Scaffolding and Explicit (Direct) Teaching are employed to ensure the efficacy of learning and to ensure that every student becomes life-long learners who enjoy learning.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

                                                                                      ― Benjamin Franklin

Curriculum Design

The Preparatory Stage under the NEP 2020 focusses on experimental learning. The focus has shifted to play, discovery and activity-based classroom learning.

The Key Learning Areas include

Language Development – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing

  • English
  • Hindi

Third Language (for classes 3 & 4)

  • Arabic
  • French
  • Malayalam
  • Sanskrit
  • Tamil

Cognitive Development

  • Basic Concept
  • Number Concept
  • Environmental Awareness –Science & Social Studies
  • Thinking Skills

Creative Development

  • Art & Craft
  • Music & Dance
  • Drama

Physical Development

  • Outdoor Play – PEC cards
  • Healthcare and Nutrition
  • Hygiene

Social Emotional Development

  • Independence
  • Co-operation
  • Culture & Nationality
  • Self Esteem
  • Emotional Security

Moral Development

  • Value Education

Assessment Pattern

Academic Session is divided into 3 Terms.

Term I- April to August

Term II -September to December

Term III- January to March.

For Class 1 and 2-

  • Assessment will be done in a continuous informal manner through Activities / Projects, Class Participation, Poem Recitations, Role Plays, Comprehension Texts and Notebook Work. Worksheets will be given periodically to ensure effective learning.

For Class 3 and 4 –

  • Assessment will be done in a continuous informal manner through Activities / Projects, Group Discussions, Class Participation, Poem Recitations, Role Plays, Comprehension Texts and Notebook Work. Worksheets will be given periodically to ensure effective learning.
  • Term – end Assessments.